If you have already downloaded the Palace software below, then you do not need to do it again. Just run the software "Palace" and connect to: www.embroiderymall.com.
If you do not have Palace software, download using the following links below.
NOW FREE Membership
- The Center uses "Palace" software.
Follow This Link for Free Membership (Effective 7-24-98)
There is software for the following different operating systems:
- Windows95/NT (32bit)
- Windows 3.1 (16bit)
- Macintosh PPC
- Macintosh 68k
AFTER you have the above software installed on your computer,
- Start the palace program,
- Open the FILE MENU and select CONNECT,
- Enter into the HOSTNAME dialog box www.embroiderymall.com.
OR If you are using either Netscape or Explorer versions 4.0 or better,
select THIS LINK